To build capacity to support the execution of WACREN’s corporate strategy 2024, WACREN has lined up several training and community-building events for different targets in our community. The trainings focus on key areas that need attention and will upskill NRENs, network engineers and administrators, university research leadership, researchers and lecturers to be effective and efficient in their research and education delivery.

Below is the list of activities and links for more information and registration:


  1. LIBSENSE Leadership Engagement Meeting on Policy and Practice: Strengthening African Research for Development – Abuja Nigeria, August 13
  2. LIBSENSE-Connect 2024 – Abuja: Establishing a National Repository Service – Abuja Nigeria, August 14-16
  3. Women-In-WACREN 2024 – Python for Weather and Climate Data Analysis – Accra Ghana, August 27-30
  4. Trust Identity and Access Management Roadshow – Freetown Sierra Leone, September 4-6
  5. BGP Workshop for WACREN NRENs – Accra Ghana, October 2-4
  6. Workshop on Implementing eduroam on a Campus Network – Lagos Nigeria, October 9-11
  7. TrustBroker Africa (TBA) IV – SIM3 Auditor Certification Training, Cotonou Benin, October 14-17

Africa Digital Campus

  1. Practical Workshop on Use Cases for WACREN-Video-Kit Equipment – Abomey Calavi – Benin, August 5-7
  2. Practical workshop on use cases for WACREN-Video-Kit equipment – Ouagadougou Burkina Faso, August 26-28

The events are supported by the AfricaConnect3 and Africa Digital Campus projects funded by the European Commission.