Abstract In this workshop, we will look at various business models and value propositions for NREN services and examine the topics of “Open Science” and “Trust and Identity” in more detail. Workshop Objective The objective of the workshop is to provide participants with an easily comparable way to describe the business model of their NREN and to develop an awareness and knowledge of business models in general. It also aims to provide the tools and a methodology to develop valuable extensions to their service portfolio. It also aims to provide an understanding of the key concepts of trust and identity in terms of the relationship between identity, identity providers, service providers, authentication and authorisation. Furthermore, an understanding of Open Science and how NRENs can contribute to the provision of services will be developed. Workshop Schedule The workshop will be conducted in an interactive format. The workshop will begin with an opening round in which participants will have the opportunity to express their expectations of the workshop, which will be reviewed at the end. In the first part of the workshop, Business Model Canvas will be introduced. Two examples of its application will be presented – the first example is from the business world, and the second example shows the business model of a GÉANT NREN. Each participant then receives a template with the task of completing the form for their own NREN. The results are presented and discussed in the group. The second part of the workshop will focus on value propositions and the expansion of the NREN service portfolio. We will analyse the Value Proposition Canvas and look at two different examples of its use – again one from the corporate world and one from the NREN world. Participants will then be asked to choose an example of a new service for their NREN and fill in the value proposition canvas accordingly. This part should be very interactive, will involve a lot of discussion and can be done as group work. This part of the workshop aims to scrutinise the new service idea and discuss its success factors among peers. In this context, we will also look at the basic concepts of Trust and Identity and Open Science. Applications in these areas will serve as examples for our value proposition showcases. At the end of the workshop, participants will have reviewed the business model of their respective NREN, discussed it with other participants and considered various options for its further refinement. They will have understood the principles of Trust & Identity and Open Science, developed an idea for a new service for their NREN and discussed its applicability with their peers. Target Group Participants from WACREN NRENs in the process of transformation. Management Level. The workshop is also open to Managers of NRENs in the UbunutuNet Alliance and ASREN regions. Preparational Task for Participants Develop initial ideas for new services for your NREN Find out about the needs and requirements of your customers Interesting Reading GEANT Trust & Identity Website https://trustidentity.geant.org/ The Business Model Canvas https://www.strategyzer.com/library/the-business-model-canvas The Value Proposition Canvas https://www.strategyzer.com/library/the-value-proposition-canvas Conditions for Participation For WACREN member NRENs: CEO: transport, accommodation and welfare Additional participant (management level): accommodation and welfare For WACREN Premium Associate members: CEO or staff at management level: accommodation and welfare Organiser: Boubakar Barry (WACREN) Dates: 16-17 January 2024 Venue: WACREN Headquarters, VCG Office Complex, Accra, Ghana Facilitators: Léonie Schäfer (DFN, Germany), Omo Oaiya (WACREN) Number of workshop participants: 10-15 Working Language: English Invited GÉANT NRENs: tbd Deadline for application: 22 December 2023 FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppEmail
February 19, 2025 A new project to strengthen the response of research and education community against cyber threats Read More