WACREN will hold a Service Outreach Workshop in collaboration with GÉANT (pan-European RREN) and RENATER (French NREN) to create awareness and foster interest in relevant REN services available in the West and Central African region. The Workshop, slated for Tuesday, June 30, 2020, on Zoom, is expected to convene a good number of brains and hands that utilise or can utilise REN services to serve their communities of users and by extension their nations. Specifically, participants will include NREN administrators, network engineers, decision-makers of institutions of higher learning across the region, to mention a few. The Workshop will be an eye-opener for participants on general REN e-services, infrastructure and applications crafted by GÉANT and that of WACREN. Participants will, at the end of the day, learn how those services can be accessed by NRENs and their communities of current and potential users. The Workshop is also open to the REN community in Africa and beyond; the idea is to open up opportunities for networking to create relationships which may lead to fruitful collaborations with other stakeholders in the REN ecosystem in the future. Omo Oaiya – Chief Strategy Officer for WACREN, Tom Fryer – the Head of International Relations for GÉANT, and Jean-François GUEZOU – Director of Business Development for RENATER will facilitate the one-day Workshop on Zoom. The Workshop will have bilingual facilitators. The date is June 30, 2020, from 9 am to 11 am UTC. Please register here – https://wacren.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5crcOqhrDwrEtyDSdgFjrSK2otdW_FT44Y3 FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppEmail
February 19, 2025 A new project to strengthen the response of research and education community against cyber threats Read More