A delegation from the West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN) region, would join hundreds of others across the World, at this year’s TNC 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia. TNC, organised by GÉANT, is the largest and most prestigious European research and education networking conference. The five-day event – June 16 to 20, 2019, is the 35theditionand will be hosted by EENet of HITSA, the Estonian Education and Research Network. From the WACREN region, there would be five participants: the WACREN CEO and NREN representatives from Benin, Ghana and Nigeria. According to the event programme, the WACREN team will be in the Emerging NRENs Programme. They will also participate in the AC2 / AC3 Coordination meeting, the NEARR meeting and the SIG-Marcomms and Global PR Network meeting. The AfricaConnect (AC2) / AC3 meeting would converge GÉANT, the UbuntuNet alliance, WACREN, ASREN and the EC to coordinate activities in AC2 and prepare for AC3 proposal submission and implementation. The NEARR project leads and partners would meet to discuss and share ideas on the project. The Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications (SIG-Marcomms) and the Global PR Network meeting would explore challenges, opportunities and areas of collaboration regarding marcomms work. The WACREN delegation are expected to return with fresh ideas and knowledge to advance research and education network efforts in the West and Central Africa. FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppEmail
February 19, 2025 A new project to strengthen the response of research and education community against cyber threats Read More