Happy New Year from the WACREN Board and Secretariat! Your invaluable support in 2024 helped us nurture communities, build capacity, and develop new services for our growing user base. The newly released edition of our eNGAGE newsletter highlights some of these achievements. This year, we’re excited to roll out these services and kickstart the next phase of AfricaConnect, which will focus on open science, climate, women’s empowerment, and enhanced connectivity. We will prioritise IoT-based data networks, regional HPC federations, and open publishing services, and we value your active engagement in driving these forward. Join us in Dakar from April 10–11 for our 10th Annual Conference, where we will network, showcase our initiatives, and honour the late Dr. Boubakar Barry. Your collaboration remains vital as we advance African research and education together. Thank you! FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppEmail
February 19, 2025 A new project to strengthen the response of research and education community against cyber threats Read More