WACREN will hold the first African eduroam Roadshow on Friday, February 12, 2021, from 10am to 1pm UTC. This Roadshow is intended to create visibility for the service, stimulate its uptake and discuss best practise in Africa. WACREN has line-up a blend of representatives from the Global eduroam Governance Committee (GeGC) and the use cases of eduroam National Roaming Operators across the continent to share knowledge and experience with participants. The Roadshow is the first of the string of activities to enhance the uptake of eduroam in our region. This event is open to NREN administrative and technical managers, campus IT managers, higher education administrators, and all eduroam users and potential users across the region. Register here and share https://indico.wacren.net/e/eduroamAfrica with your NREN managers and eduroam communities. Please retweet – https://twitter.com/WACREN/status/1358704472176930816?s=20 FacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppEmail
February 19, 2025 A new project to strengthen the response of research and education community against cyber threats Read More