TrustBroker Africa (TBA) II is a computer security incident response team (CSIRT)  training workshop and community-building event organized by WACREN in collaboration with the Open CSIRT Foundation and Cyber4Dev with the support of the AfricaConnect3 project.

Hosts:  Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) and BwCIRT, the Computer Incident Response Team for Botswana

The training is based on the well-known TRANSITS I courses for new or prospective CSIRT staff and related roles such as communications and legal or managers who need to understand these activities.  It will include a technical intro module ((attack vectors and such) with underground economy aspects.

Targeted Audience:  NRENs, national CSIRTs and non-commercial security-related organisations.

Requirements: Hands-on exercises. No laptop is required.


  • All participants will have to secure funds for their travel, including visa fees, where applicable.
  • International participants from NRENs will be provided accommodation and welfare from 28 November to 2 December 2022.
  • Lunches and coffee breaks will be provided for all participants during the workshop.

Applications from all three regional research networks – ASREN, UbuntuNet Alliance and WACREN are welcome and encouraged.

The deadline for application is 28 October 2022