
Hosting services (DNS and Web)

WACREN can provide hosting of domains on behalf of NREN beneficiaries.

This is usually hosting of secondary servers for improved reliability and resilience of NREN domain names but can also be the primary domain name server with a secondary server hosted in a different geographical location.

Other hosted services include websites, authentication servers and the mirroring of software and databases.

Virtual Private Networking (eduVPN)

WACREN provides support for NRENs to participate in eduVPN. eduVPN makes untrusted networks secure by establishing an encrypted connection. This way, students, lecturers and researchers can use the Internet securely everywhere, allowing the NREN or institution to grant access to protected systems on its network securely, even if users are using the Internet connection from home or a public network.

Content Delivery Service

The WACREN regional backbone provides connected NRENs with high-speed access to points of presence of a growing list of content delivery providers in the region like Google and Facebook.